Volunteering Opportunity Registration Form

Please complete this form for all volunteering opportunities - if you are advertising several roles at once you can list these on the same form.

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact us at business@salford.ac.uk.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.

Registering Volunteering Opportunities

The purpose of this form

This form is used to ensure your organisation's volunteering opportunities meet the criteria within our Conditions of Service.

When determining the suitability of a volunteering opportunity, we consider the following:

  1. What is the purpose of the volunteering opportunity? Are the services performed for the broader benefit of society (educational, widening participation or civic purposes)?
  2. Are the services entirely voluntary, with no direct or indirect pressure by the organisation, with no promise of direct advancement and no penalty for not participating in volunteering?
  3. Does the proposed volunteering opportunity impair the employment opportunities of others by performing work that would otherwise be performed by regular, paid employees within the same organisation?
  4. Are the services provided by volunteers the same as services provided by someone who is paid or could the volunteer be classed as a worker?

In addition, the following criteria must be met:

  • Your organisation must be a charity, not-for-profit organisation (including social enterprises and public sector organisations) or community group.
  • Reasonable travel expenses, agreed in advance, must be paid by the organisation or transport provided (reasonable is determined as £5 per day). If expenses are incurred as part of the role these must be agreed in advance and also be covered.
  • The number of hours per week to volunteer must be 10 or less for on-going opportunities, or up to 4 weeks FTE for fixed term.
  • Opportunities for graduates or placement students that are more than this will be considered on a case-by-case basis where reasonable expenses are paid and you should contact the Community Engagement & Volunteering Officer to discuss these by e-mailing business@salford.ac.uk.
  • If the role requires a Disclosure and Barring Service check to be completed, the organisation must arrange for this to be conducted and any administrative costs paid by the organisation.
  • The following policies or suitable arrangements governing volunteer activity must be in place:
    • Equal Opportunities Policy
    • Fire risk assessment for your premises
    • Health and Safety Policy
    • Public Liability Insurance for volunteers
    • Risk assessment for volunteer activities
    • Volunteering Policy
  • We do not advertise volunteering opportunities where volunteers are required to fundraise to access the opportunity or pay costs i.e. training, accommodation, food, flights, visas or any other associated with their volunteer placement.

Please complete the questions below to confirm the role(s) you are advertising meet these criteria.

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact us at business@salford.ac.uk or on 0161 295 5088.

Please indicate the role(s) that you are submitting the form in relation to.
Please tick to confirm that volunteers will be paid reasonable out of pocket expenses, including those incurred as part of the role, by prior arrangement and if travel expenses are not covered transport is provided. If this is not the case, we are unable to advertise your opportunity - please contact us at business@salford.ac.uk if you would like to discuss this further.
Please note that opportunities for graduates or placement students that are more than this will be considered on a case-by-case basis where reasonable expenses are paid and you should contact the Community Engagement & Volunteering Officer to discuss these by e-mailing ​​business@salford.ac.uk.
Please note that your organisation is responsible for conducting and paying any associated costs for this if required.
Please note where the volunteer role is eligible for a DBS check it is the responsibility of the organisation to conduct this and we are unable to advertise opportunities that require a DBS check that is not supplied by the organisation.
If the role involves working with children or vulnerable adults, you must have the relevant safeguarding policy in place - please indicate if you have either of these in place for this or future roles.
Please indicate which of the following you have in place:
If any of the above are not in place please give details why and information about what your organisation has in place as an alternative, or why this is not required. Please note failure to supply this information may result in us being unable to promote your opportunity. Please contact us at business@salford.ac.uk if you would like to discuss this further.
Please tick this box to confirm that your organisation will not be advertising a volunteering opportunity where volunteers are required to fundraise in order to access the opportunity or pay costs i.e. training, accommodation, food, flights, visas or any other associated with their volunteer placement. Please contact us on 0161 295 5088 if you would like to discuss this further.

Thank You

Thank you for completing this form - we will use this information to determine whether we are able to approve your opportunity. You will be notified by e-mail once your opportunity goes live.